Sequences & Series

"All The Mathematical Methods I Learned In My University Math Degree Became Obsolete In My Lifetime" - Keith Devlin

Sequences & Series:  Enter an expression for a sequence a_N.  Then it plots a_0 to a_n, as well as the appropriate partial sums.  You can use a as an adjustable parameter.  If you suspect your series is the power series of a function, then plot f(a) and see if your partial sum converges to this value.  (

Sequence and Series:  Type in the value of a_n, and a maximum value for n, N.  Then the following will return as ordered pairs (a_k, P_k) where P_k is the partial sum a_0+...+a_k:

Taylor Expansion:  The slider a controls the number of terms in the Taylor expansion.  Compare graphs of sin(x), cos(x) and ex to Taylor expansions of various degrees. (Link

Taylor Polynomials:  Enter in f(x), the center of the expansion a, and the degree of the polynomial k: